Techno Champ-Bar Code Tracking

Application :

Bar Code Tracking System (POKY-YOKE System) (To Mark & Track the Pump Parts for proper traceability). To avoid the mixing of Pump Parts during the Manufacturing process & also during assembly at end user.

Solution :

In house our engineer has done Camera, PLC, HMI Programming, and Integration with Laser marking machine & Robotic Arm. Proper recipes were prepared for different Pump Parts variants.
When operator kept the parts in the fixture, automatically system detects the proper parts & its recipes get selected automatically. Due to this manual errors of wrong recipe selection gets avoided. Laser machines marks the Bar Code on the parts. Camera/scanner scans the bar code, if it is OK. System gives appropriate signal to Robotic Arm to either select or reject the part.

Criticality :

Need of Automatic selection of Recipe for different Pump Parts. Bar Code scanning system has to integrate & communicate with Laser Machine & Robotic Arm